Viveka Velupillai: List of Publications



Pidgins, Creoles and Mixed Languages. An Introduction. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins.


An Introduction to Typology. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins.


(M. Huber & V. Velupillai, eds) Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins.


Hawai’i Creole English. A Typological Analysis of the Tense-Mood-Aspect System. Basingstoke: Palgrave.



(M. Huber & V. Velupillai) ‘Das Pidginenglische in den deutschen Kolonien. Quellen, Methoden und Erkenntnisse’.
In T. Stolz, I.H. Warnke & D. Schmidt-Brücken (eds): Studienbuch Sprache und Kolonialismus. Berlin: de Gruyter.
(M. Huber & V. Velupillai) ‘Die Database of Early Pidgin and Creole Texts: Sprachplanung und Sprachattitüden gegenüber dem Pidginenglisch in Deutsch-Neuguinea’.
In B. Kellermeier-Rehbein, M. Schulz & D. Stolberg (eds): Sprachgebrauch, Sprachkonzepte und Sprachenpolitik in kolonialen und postkolonialen Kontexten. Berlin: de Gruyter.


‘Hawai'i Creole language structure dataset’.
In S. Michaelis, P. Maurer, M. Haspelmath, M. Huber (eds): Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library.
‘Hawai'i Creole’.
In S. Michaelis, P. Maurer, M. Haspelmath, M. Huber (eds): Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Volume I: English-based and Dutch-based languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


‘The 'had VERB' construction in Hawai'i Creole English’.
GAGL 53(2): 119-138.
(E.W. Holman, C.H. Brown, S. Wichmann, A. Müller, V. Velupillai, H. Hammarström, S. Sauppe, H. Jung, D. Bakker, P. Brown, O. Belyaev, M. Urban, R. Mailhammer, J.-M. List and D. Egorov) ‘Automated dating of the world’s language families based on lexical similarity’.
Current Anthropology 52(6): 841-875.


(S. Wichmann, A. Müller and V. Velupillai) ‘Homelands of the World’s language families: A quantitative approach’.
Diachronica 27(2): 247-276.
(S. Wichmann, E.W. Holman, A. Müller, V. Velupillai, J.-M. List, O. Belyaev, M. Urban and D. Bakker) ‘Glottochronology as a heuristic for genealogical language relationships’.
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 17(4): 303-316.
‘A homage to my father’.
In S. Zambelli (ed): Computable, Constructive & Behavioural Economic Dynamics: Essays in honour of Kumaraswamy (Vela) Velupillai. London: Routledge. 518-521.


(V. Velupillai & E. Hentschel) ‘Tempus’.
In E. Hentschel & P. Vogel (eds): Handbuch der deutschen Morphologie. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. 425-40.
(D. Bakker, A. Müller, V. Velupillai, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, P. Brown, D. Egorov, R. Mailhammer, A. Grant, and E.W. Holman) ‘Adding typology to lexicostatistics: a combined approach to language classification’.
Linguistic Typology 13: 167-179
(A. Müller, V. Velupillai, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, P. Brown, E.W. Holman, D. Bakker, O. Belyaev, D. Egorov, R. Mailhammer, A. Grant and K. Yakpo) ‘ASJP World Language Tree of Lexical Similarity: version 2 (April 2009)’.
Electronically published working paper.


(E. W. Holman, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, V.Velupillai, A. Müller & Dik Bakker) ‘Advances in automated language classification’.
In A. Arppe, K. Sinnemäki & U. Nikanne (eds): Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. 40-43.
(E.W. Holman, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, V.Velupillai, A. Müller & D. Bakker) ‘Explorations in automated lexicostatistics’.
Folia Linguistica 42.2: 331-354.
(C.H. Brown, E.W. Holman, S. Wichmann & V. Velupillai) ‘Automated Classification of the World’s languages: A description of the method and prelimary results’.
STUF – Language Typology and Universals 61.4: 285-308.


(Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘Tense and aspect’.
In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘Perfective/imperfective aspect’.
In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘The past tense’.
In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘The future tense’.
M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘The perfect’.
In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


‘The absence of reduplication in Hawai‘i Creole English.’
In Silvia Kouwenberg (ed.): Twice as Meaningful. Reduplication in pidgin and creole languages. London: Battlebridge Press. 245-249.



J. Holm & P.L. Patrick (eds): Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel outlines of 18 Creole grammars. Plymouth: Battlebridge Press. 2007.
English World-Wide 31:1.


H. Masuda: The Genesis of Discourse Grammar. Universals and Substrata in Guyanese, Hawaii Creole and Japanese. New York: Peter Lang. 2000.
Carrier Pidgin.

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