Viveka Velupillai: List of Publications
- Pidgins, Creoles and Mixed Languages. An Introduction. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins.
- An Introduction to Typology. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins.
- (M. Huber & V. Velupillai, eds) Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages. Amsterdam/New York: Benjamins.
- Hawai’i Creole English. A Typological Analysis of the Tense-Mood-Aspect System. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- (M. Huber & V. Velupillai) ‘Das Pidginenglische in den deutschen Kolonien. Quellen, Methoden und Erkenntnisse’.
- In T. Stolz, I.H. Warnke & D. Schmidt-Brücken (eds): Studienbuch Sprache und Kolonialismus. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- (M. Huber & V. Velupillai) ‘Die Database of Early Pidgin and Creole Texts: Sprachplanung und Sprachattitüden gegenüber dem Pidginenglisch in Deutsch-Neuguinea’.
- In B. Kellermeier-Rehbein, M. Schulz & D. Stolberg (eds): Sprachgebrauch, Sprachkonzepte und Sprachenpolitik in kolonialen und postkolonialen Kontexten. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- ‘Hawai'i Creole language structure dataset’.
- In S. Michaelis, P. Maurer, M. Haspelmath, M. Huber (eds): Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library.
- ‘Hawai'i Creole’.
- In S. Michaelis, P. Maurer, M. Haspelmath, M. Huber (eds): Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Volume I: English-based and Dutch-based languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- ‘The 'had VERB' construction in Hawai'i Creole English’.
- GAGL 53(2): 119-138.
- (E.W. Holman, C.H. Brown, S. Wichmann, A. Müller, V. Velupillai, H. Hammarström, S. Sauppe, H. Jung, D. Bakker, P. Brown, O. Belyaev, M. Urban, R. Mailhammer, J.-M. List and D. Egorov) ‘Automated dating of the world’s language families based on lexical similarity’.
- Current Anthropology 52(6): 841-875.
- (S. Wichmann, A. Müller and V. Velupillai) ‘Homelands of the World’s language families: A quantitative approach’.
- Diachronica 27(2): 247-276.
- (S. Wichmann, E.W. Holman, A. Müller, V. Velupillai, J.-M. List, O. Belyaev, M. Urban and D. Bakker) ‘Glottochronology as a heuristic for genealogical language relationships’.
- Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 17(4): 303-316.
- ‘A homage to my father’.
- In S. Zambelli (ed): Computable, Constructive & Behavioural Economic Dynamics:
Essays in honour of Kumaraswamy (Vela) Velupillai. London: Routledge. 518-521.
- (V. Velupillai & E. Hentschel) ‘Tempus’.
- In E. Hentschel & P. Vogel (eds): Handbuch der deutschen Morphologie. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. 425-40.
- (D. Bakker, A. Müller, V. Velupillai, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, P. Brown, D. Egorov, R. Mailhammer, A. Grant, and E.W. Holman) ‘Adding typology to lexicostatistics: a combined approach to language classification’.
- Linguistic Typology 13: 167-179
- (A. Müller, V. Velupillai, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, P. Brown, E.W. Holman, D. Bakker, O. Belyaev, D. Egorov, R. Mailhammer, A. Grant and K. Yakpo) ‘ASJP World Language Tree of Lexical Similarity: version 2 (April 2009)’.
- Electronically published working paper.
- (E. W. Holman, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, V.Velupillai, A. Müller & Dik Bakker) ‘Advances in automated language classification’.
- In A. Arppe, K. Sinnemäki & U. Nikanne (eds): Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. 40-43.
- (E.W. Holman, S. Wichmann, C.H. Brown, V.Velupillai, A. Müller & D. Bakker) ‘Explorations in automated lexicostatistics’.
- Folia Linguistica 42.2: 331-354.
- (C.H. Brown, E.W. Holman, S. Wichmann & V. Velupillai) ‘Automated Classification of the World’s languages: A description of the method and prelimary results’.
- STUF – Language Typology and Universals 61.4: 285-308.
- (Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘Tense and aspect’.
- In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘Perfective/imperfective aspect’.
- In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘The past tense’.
- In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘The future tense’.
- M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- (Ö. Dahl & V. Velupillai) ‘The perfect’.
- In M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie (eds): World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- ‘The absence of reduplication in Hawai‘i Creole English.’
- In Silvia Kouwenberg (ed.): Twice as Meaningful. Reduplication in pidgin and creole languages. London: Battlebridge Press. 245-249.
- J. Holm & P.L. Patrick (eds): Comparative Creole Syntax: Parallel outlines of 18 Creole grammars. Plymouth: Battlebridge Press. 2007.
- English World-Wide 31:1.
- H. Masuda: The Genesis of Discourse Grammar. Universals and Substrata in Guyanese, Hawaii Creole and Japanese. New York: Peter Lang. 2000.
- Carrier Pidgin.
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