Viveka Velupillai: List of Presentations
Conferences & workshops:
8 April 2015 (co-authored with Magnus Huber)
Creoles and sign languages in comparison with non-creole spoken languages
Tenth Creolistics Workshop, Aarhus, 8 - 10 April 2015
31 March 2015 (co-authored with Magnus Huber)
The Database of Early Pidgin and Creole Texts (DEPiCT)
9th Workshop, colonial Linguistics Research Group, Klagenfurt, 30 - 31 March 2015
30 March 2015 (co-authored with Magnus Huber)
Language planning and attitudes towards Pidgin English in the German colony of Cameroon
9th Workshop, colonial Linguistics Research Group, Klagenfurt, 30 - 31 March 2015
11 April 2012 (co-authored with Magnus Huber)
Introducing the Database of Early Pidgin and Creole Texts (DEPiCT)
Ninth Creolistics Workshop, Aarhus, 11 - 13 April 2012
2 March 2012 (co-authored with Magnus Huber)
German colonial sources and the history of Pidgin English. A first analysis of the material relating to German New Guinea in the Deutsche Kolonialbibliothek
7th International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Bremen, 28 February - 2 March 2012
3 July 2011 (co-authored with Magnus Huber)
German colonial sources and the history of West African Pidgin English. A first analysis of the holdings of the Deutsche Kolonialbibliothek
SPCL, Accra 2-6 August 2011
21 July 2001 (co-authored with Östen Dahl)
Areality in tense-aspect systems
ALT IV, Santa Barbara 19-22 July 2001
26 June 2001
Modality distinctions in spoken Hawai'i Creole English: cannot versus no can
SPCL, Coimbra 26-27 June 2001
28 February 2001
Identity marking in diglossic societies: a case study
DGfS XXIII, Leipzig 28 February-2 March 2001
8 October 2000
WALS Tense-Aspect feature maps: Progress Report
WALS workshop, MPI, Leipzig 7-8 October 2000
13 May 2000
Multimodal fieldwork material for language typological investigations: on synchronizing video tapes, audio tapes, running texts and linguistic analysis
Computer tools workshop, MPI, Leipzig 12-13 May 2000
26 August 1999
Two aspectually divergent progressives in HCE
ALTIII, Amsterdam 25-28 August 1999
Guest lectures & seminars:
19 November 2014
Hawai'i Creole English. History, sociolinguistics and structure
Uppsala University
7 May 2014
There's a time for everything, except in some languages. A global study of tense
Collegium generale "'Alles hat seine Zeit': Konzepte der Zeit in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft", Bern University
15 December 2011
Hawai’i Creole English: An overview
Bayreuth University
5 June 2003
The TMA system of Hawai'i Creole English and how it deviates from the creole prototype
Regensburg University
25 October 2002
Covert prestige in Hawai'i Creole English: A case study
ACLC, University of Amsterdam
2 November 2000
On the relevance of language types
Uppsala University
28 March 2000
Three TMA features of HCE: Work in progress
Stockholm University
22 October 1999
The Gmc. TMA system: a consequence of language contact?
Uppsala University
21 October 1999
Tracing humanity: The New Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany
Uppsala University
20 October 1999
The birth of a language: Hawai'i Creole English in focus
Uppsala University
MPI internal presentations:
26 April 2000
Three TMA features of HCE: Work in progress (revised version)
Joint linguistics meeting MPI Leipzig & Lund University
14 January 2000
Viveka Velupillai PhD project
Joint linguistics meeting MPI Leipzig & MPI Nijmegen
September 1999
Da kain Hawai'i fieldtrip
MPI internal
Viveka Velupillai - List of Presentations. Go to main page